Got Bounce

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Got Bounce von Mind Map: Got Bounce

1. Ten tips to build resilience

1.1. Making Connections.

1.1.1. Example: Having good relationships with close family members.

1.2. Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems.

1.2.1. Example: Trying to look beyond instead of facing what the problem is right there.

1.3. Accepting that change as a part of living.

1.3.1. Example: Certain goals may no longer be attainable as a result of adverse situations.

1.4. Moving torwards the goals

1.4.1. Example: Develop goals that you can achieve.

1.5. Take decisive actions

1.5.1. Example: Act on situations as much as you can.

1.6. Look for oppourtunities of self discovery.

1.6.1. Example: Look at the positive side and if something bad does happened it could only make you stronger.

1.7. Nurture a positive view of your-self

1.7.1. Example: Having confidence in yourself and not caring what other's have to say/think.

1.8. Keep things in perspective

1.8.1. Example: Avoid blowing the situation out of proportion.

1.9. Maintain a hopeful outlook

1.9.1. Example: Having a good outlook will bring good things in your life.

1.10. Take good care of yourself

1.10.1. Example: Paying attention to your own needs and feelings.

2. Situation A: Resilience- Trying his best the next time and realizing he needs to do better by studying more. Re-taking the class would be in consideration. Not Resilient- Freak out and would possibly say something that could hurt him in the long run.

3. Adversity: Difficulties; Misfourtune

4. Resilience: Ability of a substance or object to spring back into place.

4.1. Example 1: (Schooll) Getting a bad grade on a test, but being willing to re-take it and to study harder for the upcoming test.

4.2. Example 2: (School) When someone talks bad about you and you choose to ignore it instead of reacting to it.

4.3. Example 1: (Personal) When your parents get a divorce. Try thinking about the positive and know that it will be the best for everyone in the long run.

4.4. Example 2: (Personal) A break-up. Do not just sit in bed all day and be down, try going out with your friends and interacting. It will keep your mind off of things.