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1. Advertising

1.1. Darstellung

1.1.1. Sponsored Content

1.1.2. Native Ads

1.1.3. Product Placement

1.1.4. Advertorial

1.2. Auslieferung

1.2.1. Real Time Bidding

1.2.2. Ad Server

1.2.3. Retargeting

1.2.4. Yield Management

1.2.5. Yield Management

1.2.6. Cookies

1.3. Social

1.3.1. Communities of Interest

1.3.2. Viralität

2. Content

2.1. Form

2.1.1. Shareable

2.1.2. Karten

2.1.3. Hyperlocal

2.1.4. Structured Information

2.1.5. Longform

2.2. Distribution

2.2.1. Syndication

2.2.2. Affiliation

2.2.3. Click Baiting

2.2.4. Moderation

2.3. Creation

2.3.1. Verification

2.3.2. Algorithmic Storytelling

2.3.3. Crowdsourcing

2.3.4. Data Driven Journalism

3. Technology

3.1. Darstellung

3.1.1. Responsive

3.1.2. Intiuitiv

3.1.3. Second Screen Sync

3.1.4. Wearables

3.1.5. Push

3.1.6. Locationbased

3.1.7. Dossier Maker

3.2. Auslieferung

3.2.1. Metadata

3.2.2. g2

3.2.3. Parser

3.2.4. Targeting

3.2.5. Demand Side Platforms

3.2.6. Issue Tracking

3.3. Sourcing

3.3.1. Semantic

3.3.2. Streams

3.3.3. Drone Journalism

3.3.4. Liquid Newsroom

4. Service

4.1. Business Model

4.1.1. Club Concept

4.1.2. Membership

4.1.3. Freemium

4.1.4. Metered Model

4.1.5. Paywall

4.1.6. Subscription

4.2. SaaS

4.2.1. Parser

4.2.2. Publishing

4.2.3. Sourcing

4.2.4. Mapping

4.2.5. Aggregation

4.2.6. Semantic Curation