Central Idea: Liberty and Social Affected Through Ideas and Revolution

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Central Idea: Liberty and Social Affected Through Ideas and Revolution von Mind Map: Central Idea: Liberty and Social Affected Through Ideas and Revolution

1. New Age of Imperialism

1.1. Sepoy Mutiny - Native Indian Soldiers rebellion towards the British

1.2. Racism - Believing that one skin (light skin) color is inferior to another (dark skin)

1.2.1. Europe believed that through their skin color, they were better and more superior than others - shows how their society (socially) is arrogant and somewhat condescending.

1.3. Social Darwinism - "Survival of the fittest" - natural selection and evolution applies to the idea of non European countries being porrer

1.3.1. Regarding the country's effective system of ruling (both their country and others), this theory provided more insight into how the country became successful.

1.4. Boer war - Dutch farmers went to war against the British for South African land

1.5. The Raj - British ruling under India

1.5.1. Dominance of Europe reduced liberty within other nations

1.6. The Berlin Conference was held in order to divide African land thoroughly through European powers - navigation of trading, boundaries ...etc

1.6.1. Though the conference was held, there were no representative of Africa. This shows a complete lack of respect for the country (South Africa), but also highlights the power of Europe throughout this period of time.

1.7. Jewel in the Crown

1.7.1. Referring to India as one of British most valuable colony

1.8. Annex

1.8.1. Cecil Rhodes believed that Britain should annex more countries and be able to rule every other single nation - suggest arrogance as he believed that no other ruling can ever be comparable to the British (and somewhat greedy through wanting every other land) - Lack of respect for other countries.

1.9. Geopolitics

1.9.1. Interest in taking land for geographical location and products Europe did this to multiple nations (africa for land, india for products and land).

1.10. Pacific Rim

1.10.1. Economy and social region surrounded by the Pacific Ocean

1.11. Since I live in South East Asia, during this period of time, Europe seems quite condescending to me. Though I respect them for being successful in both aspects of economy and ruling, the way they degrade and show lack of respect for other countries seems quite arrogant.

2. The Industrial Revolution

2.1. Adam Smith - A Scottish economist and philosopher, who strongly believed in the idea of capitalism. Overall, he believed that the government should play as small as a role in economic affairs, business and owning properties.

2.2. Karl Marx - German philosopher and economist, who believed in socialism and communism. Overall, he believed that money should be equally divided and owned among everyone.

2.2.1. Split between society's beliefs - Either they believed in capitalism or communism. Both capitalism and communism can offer liberty and freedom, however, both in drastically different ways. Capitalism offers liberty through people being able to spend money on their own expenses without government interference. Communism offers freedom through being able to choose your job.

2.3. Importance of Agriculture Revolution - Land owners were buying from farmers - developed farming methods through crop rotation and machines.

2.3.1. Though not being able to keep their properties, farmers were able to gain more freedom through working in factories and earning more money - urburnisation created more opportunities for farmers to be able to purchase things on their own expenses with more money

2.4. Technology - Established and developed machines starts to take over jobs - More factory workers - predicted to take over future jobs of lawyers, data managers ...etc

2.4.1. More factory workers = increase in economy - taking over jobs creates less freedom and enjoyment for the people - creates more financial problems

2.5. Urburnization - Due to land owners purchasing farms and lands from countrysides - Increase in factory work

2.6. Laissez Faire - Land, Labor and Capital are privately own/government plays little role in business

2.7. Communism - Land, Labor and Capital are own by the people (everyone)

2.8. Improvements in transportation allowed people to be able to transport products effectively and increase the economy.

2.8.1. Better jobs with less cunning labor

2.9. Women Rights - Women were paid less, though they had to work. Women dominated work in factory as it was effective (small hands).

2.9.1. Lack of liberty for women through being paid less - Gender Inequality

2.10. Cheap Labor became more effective than slavery

2.10.1. Moralistically better for social and society - People can find better jobs

2.11. This connects to me as it provided more insight into how I think about society in my own country. To me, Vietnam feels almost like a socialist country, with both aspects of capitalism and communism.

3. French Revolution

3.1. Napoleon was an important and powerful figure in France. He was a military leader who led multiple campaigns and wars . He won most of his battles and became a significant figure for the country.

3.1.1. Though an important figure in France, his dictator way of thinking sometimes caused disturbance to the society.

3.2. Louis XVI - a weak leader who was not successful in leading France - Executed by his own people.

3.2.1. If their leader is not able to satisfy the people, it is likely that there will be consequences.

3.3. Marie Antoinette - Highly disliked since she was irresponsible and only cared for parties and materialism (queen).

3.4. Maximilien Robespierre - French lawyer and politician who mainly advocated for the poor - eventually executed by trying to take political powers.

3.5. Social Inequality caused economic problems. The poor/slaves were liable to pay taxes while the nobles were immune from it. This aggravated poverty.

3.5.1. Less liberty and unfair treatment for slaves.

3.6. Coup d’Etat occurred during the revolution due to Napoleon dictator ways of leading.

3.6.1. Overthrow and rebellion of civilization shows unfair treatment between each classes.

3.7. National Assembly was held by the 3rd estates - beginning of the revolution since people were able to speak upon their opinions and ideas.

3.8. Storming of bastille highlights the downfall of the French Revolution. Wanting to obtain gunpowder for military purposes, the revolutionaries starts to rebel and tried to destroy the fortress.

3.9. Great Fear occurred as peasants attacked the national assembly in demand for bread.

3.10. Political reform - legislative assembly elected - has power to create laws, new government systems etc

3.11. Given these important figures during this period of time, it made me think a lot about my country as a whole. We also had a lot of important figures in Vietnam, whom have led us through wars and hardships. Personally, though a democracy is important, France was unsuccessful in satisfying their people - leading to many rebellion and fights.

4. Enlightment and Ideas

4.1. Voltaire was an important persona during this time. He was well known for his wit and criticism, however, due to backlash with the church, he faced multiple exiles and imprisonments.

4.1.1. Important figures within this time emphasised reason, indiviualism and skepticsm. They strongly pushed forward their ideas regarding backlash.

4.2. Hobbe's social contract - The English Civil War convinced him that all human were naturally selfish and evil. He believed that there should be a government and a strong ruler to keep things in order.

4.3. John Locke was a huge influence on Thomas Jefferson. Advocated on the idea of "liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness.

4.4. Mary Wollstonecraft advocated for woman's right and empowerment.

4.5. Thomas Jefferson was an American statesman and politician who took part in writing the United States Declaration of Independance and the United States of Constitution

4.6. American Revolution was influenced by enlightenment and ideas. Colonists asked for political rights from the king but were bluntly refused. As opposed to so, they then rebelled.

4.7. Heliocentric theory states that the earth or sun was placed in the center of the universe - beginning of scientific revolution

4.7.1. The scientific revolution during this time led to more logical thinking and reasoning.

4.8. Scientific method is devised through an accurate procedure, starting with a hypothesis and an experiment to test out the idea.

4.9. Some of the main ideas of the enlightenment revolved around science, religion but often highlighting reason, individualism and skepticism.

4.10. The enlightenment was believed to have started through the thirty year's war. This war caused many German writers to criticised warfare and nationalism.