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Energy von Mind Map: Energy

1. Mechanical Energy

1.1. BD: The energy associated with the motion and position of everyday objects

1.2. MD: Energy that is needed for machines

1.3. EXS: Speeding Trains, Bouncy ball

2. Thermal Energy

2.1. BD: The total potential and kinetic energy related to the motion of all the particles in an object

2.2. MD: Total potential and kinetic energy related to motion

2.3. EXS: Molton, Metal

3. Chemical Energy

3.1. BD: The energy stored in chemical bonds

3.2. MD: Chemical bonds stored in energy

3.3. EXS: Coal, Gasoline

4. Electrical Energy

4.1. BD: The energy associated with electric charges

4.2. MD: ELectric changes associated with energy

4.3. EXS: Lightning, flashlight

5. Electromagnetic Energy

5.1. BD: A form of energy consisting of changing electric and magnetic fields

5.2. MD: Form of energy that tries to make changes to the electromagnetic fields

5.3. ESX: X-rays

6. Kinetic Energy

6.1. BD: The energy an object has due to its motion

6.2. MD: The energy when stuff is moving

6.3. EXS: People walking/running and cows flying

7. Potential Energy

7.1. BD: Energy that is stored as a result of position or shape

7.2. MD: The energy to be able to stay still

7.3. EXS: People sitting, a plant

8. Nuclear Energy

8.1. BD: The energy stored atomic nuclei

8.2. MD: Energy stored in nukes

8.3. EXS: Heat and light from sun, helium, powerplants