Got Bounce?

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Got Bounce? von Mind Map: Got Bounce?

1. Adversity

1.1. Difficulties or misfortune

2. Examples of when students need to be resilient

2.1. 2 School examples

2.1.1. 1.Fail a class.

2.1.2. 2. Get behind on homework.

2.2. 2 Personal examples

2.2.1. 1. Moving houses

2.2.2. 2. A death in the family.

3. Situation A

3.1. Is resilient

3.1.1. Tom would ask to retake the test and study better for it.

3.2. Isn't resilient

3.2.1. Tom would ignore the bad grade and do nothing to change it.

4. Resilience

4.1. The ability to recover quickly from difficulties

5. Tips to build resilience

5.1. 1. Create a hassle free zone.

5.2. 2. Put things in perspective.

5.3. 3. Pump up your positivity.

5.4. 4. Take care of yourself.

5.5. 5. Help someone else.

5.6. 6. Hang on to humor.

5.7. 7. Express yourself.

5.8. 8. Open your heart.

5.9. 9. Talk to a friend.

5.10. 10. Live to learn