~Group Communication~ a collection of 3 or more individuals who interact about some common proble...

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~Group Communication~ a collection of 3 or more individuals who interact about some common problem and can exert mutual influence over one another von Mind Map: ~Group Communication~ a collection of 3 or more individuals who interact about some common problem and can exert mutual influence over one another

1. Interaction Patterns

1.1. Centralized pattern

1.1.1. One or two people hold the most important positions & most or all of the communication goes through them

1.2. Decentralized pattern

1.2.1. promotes balanced communication

2. Task Leader is the person that keeps the group focused on the primary goal or task by setting agendas, controlling the participation and communication of the group's members, and evaluating ideas and contributions of participants

3. Energizer is the personwho functions as the group’s cheer-leader, providing energy, motivation, and positive encouragement

4. task roles

4.1. Information Gatherers are those people who seek and/or provide the factual information necessary for evaluating ideas, problem solving, and reaching conclusions

4.2. Opinion Gatherers are those that seek out and/or provide subjective responses about ideas and suggestions

4.3. Devil's Advocate is the person that argues a contrary or opposing point of view.

5. forming groups

5.1. forming

5.2. storming

5.3. norming

5.4. performing

5.5. terminating

6. decision making

6.1. To reach consensus group members must participate in the crafting of a decision and agree to adopt it

6.2. voting

6.2.1. by majority may be as simple as having 51% of the vote for a particular decision, or may require a larger percentage, such as two-thirds or three-fourths, before reaching a decision.

6.2.2. compromise - each member gives up something, as well as gains something

6.2.3. authority rule requires essentially no input from the group, although the group's participation may be necessary for implementing the decision.

6.3. Groupthink happens when a group isso focused on agreement and consensus that they do not examine all of the potential solutions available to them

7. groups

7.1. characteristics

7.2. interdependence, interaction, synergy, common goals, shared norms, cohesiveness

7.3. Kinds of Groups

7.3.1. Social Groups tends to be relaxed, informal; interpersonal climate.

7.3.2. Personal Growth Groups dealing with significant issues & problems in a SUPPORTIVE context

7.3.3. Task Groups solves problems

7.4. Effects of group size

7.4.1. Number of people in a group affects the quality of the communication

8. group roles

8.1. social-emotional roles

8.1.1. The Social-Emotional Leader is the person who is concerned with maintaining and balancing the social and emotional needs of the group members and tends to play many, if not all, of the roles in this category.

8.1.2. Encourager practices good listening skills in order to create a safe space for others to share ideas and offer suggestions

8.1.3. Followers are group members that do what they are told, going along with decisions and assignments from the group

8.1.4. Tension Releaser is the person that uses humor, or can skillfully change the subject in an attempt to minimize tension and avoid conflict

8.1.5. Compromiser is the one who mediates disagreements or conflicts among members by encouraging others to give in on small issues for the sake of meeting the goals of the group.

8.2. procedural roles

8.2.1. Facilitator actslike a traffic director by managing the flow of information to keep the group on task.

8.2.2. Gatekeepers are those group members that attempt to maintain proper communicative balance

8.2.3. Recorder is the person responsible for tracking group ideas, decisions, and progress.

8.3. individual roles

8.3.1. Aggressor engages in forceful or dominating communication to put others down or initiate conflict with other members

8.3.2. Blocker is the person that complains or fusses about small procedural matters and often blocks the group from making progress.

8.3.3. Self-Confessor uses the group as a setting to discuss personal or emotional matters not relevant to the group or its task

8.3.4. Playboy or Playgirl shows little interest in the group or the problem at hand and does not contribute in a meaningful way, or at all. This is the person who does essentially no work, yet still gets credit for the group's work

8.3.5. Joker or Clown use inappropriate humor or remarks that can steer the group from its mission.

9. power

9.1. power-over enables one individual or group to make the decisions that affect others and enforce control

9.2. power from within manifests itself when we can stand, walk, and speak words that convey our needs and thoughts

9.3. power-with is the power of a strong individual in a group of equals, the power not to command but to suggest and be listened to, to begin something and see it happen

9.4. Delays

10. cultures

10.1. invidividualistic cultures place high value on the individual person above the needs of the group

10.1.1. Dependencies

10.1.2. Milestones

10.2. Limitations

10.2.1. Schedule

10.2.2. Budget

10.3. collectivist culturesplace high value on group work because they understand that outcomes of our communication impact all members of a community.

10.3.1. KPI's

11. Strengths/Potential limitations

11.1. Strengths

11.1.1. having more resources

11.1.2. more thorough thought

11.1.3. heightened creativity

11.1.4. more commitment

11.2. Potential limitations

11.2.1. Time is required

11.2.2. conformity For example: This can be seen with a person who has credibility.

11.2.3. social loafing: when certain members put less effort than the rest; depends on the size

12. Types of Group Communication

12.1. Task Communication

12.1.1. provides ideas & information, evaluates ideas evaluates understanding

12.2. Procedural Communication

12.2.1. makes group stay organized

12.3. Climate Communication

12.3.1. focuses on creating and maintaining a constructive climate & encourages members to contribute

12.4. Egocentric Communication

12.4.1. dysfunctional communication; blocks others from progressing.

13. Types of Conflicts

13.1. Disruptive Confllict

13.1.1. involves Egocentric communication

13.1.2. is competitive to get their way

13.2. Constructive Conflict

13.2.1. When members understand disagreement are natural & can achieve their share goal