English Language Learners (ELLs) from Egypt

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English Language Learners (ELLs) from Egypt von Mind Map: English Language Learners (ELLs) from Egypt

1. Teacher establish rules

1.1. Students are respectful and helpful towards classmates

1.2. Students embrace differences among other studests

1.3. Students act positive and trusting toward classmates

2. Ideas for the classroom

2.1. Embrace collectiveness as well as individualism

2.1.1. Have students working in groups

2.2. Embrace planning for the furure

2.2.1. Have activities in which students can imagine their future and dream about their careers

2.3. Embrace the importance of following rules and order

3. Objective

3.1. Help ELLs students learn all subjects as they learn English

3.2. To promote social inclusion, understanding, and mutual respect among all students

4. Challenges

4.1. ELLs from Egypt encountered a different alphabet.

4.2. ELLs students are faced with a total different culture and set of beliefs.

4.3. ELLs students need to adapt to a new set of cultural and academic expectations.