Education 100

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Education 100 von Mind Map: Education 100

1. Current Issues

1.1. Social Justice

1.1.1. "The idea is to encourage kids to become critical analysts of contemporary issues, empathetic defenders of human rights and gatekeepers of the beleaguered earth" (Cynthia Reynolds) Teachers implement social justice into curriculum by partaking in fundraisers, charities, volunteer events etc. must be careful that social justice activities don't insult different social classes.

1.2. Hidden Curriculum

1.2.1. The environment you create in the classroom including class management and social justice. This reflects the teacher's beliefs and values.

1.3. Importance of Socialization

1.3.1. Socialization has a large impact on educational achievement and attainment. It also affects a child's confidence, performance and interests

1.4. Bullying, Racism and Homophobia in the classroom. Discussed in class, Michael Phair's presentation and the article "Bullying and Homophobia in Canadian Schools: The politics of Policies, Programs, and Educational Leadership"

1.4.1. racism residential schools, segregated and alternative schools The separation of youth into groups of similar beliefs, race, religion, ability etc. This segregation deprives young people of diverse socialization. history of racism in Canada (aboriginals especially)

1.4.2. homophobia Alberta Education's goal is to normalize sexual and gender minority realities in classrooms. Create a classroom that accepts and values each child, encourages self pride and dignity and also provides positive reinforcement for students. Teachers must address bullying, be conscious of language used in their classrooms, use inclusive language and establish safe spaces in the school There are recent changes of attitudes in society and the education policy reflects these changes. LGBTQ inclusive curriculum

2. Personal Change for Future of Education

2.1. Implementing Inspiring Education is way that teachers can be an agent of change in the schooling system

2.1.1. This includes the three E's "Engaged Thinker, Entrepreneurial Spirit, and Ethical Citizen."

2.1.2. Principles Learner centered Sustainable and efficient us of resources Responsive and flexible approach Inclusive equitable access Engaged communities Share responsibility and accountability for results

2.2. The environment of the classroom

2.2.1. Having an inclusive classroom for all students Classroom environment "promotes: acceptance and values of each child, pride and dignity

2.2.2. What can educators do? engage in personal reflection use inclusive language normalize sexual and gender minority realities display affirming symbols and images establish safe spaces address homo/transphobic language and bullying LGBTQ inclusive curriculum support a gay-straight alliance

2.3. Technology

2.3.1. Teachers bringing in new technology or using technology that the students have access too.

2.3.2. This engages the students learning. Technology is also a way to change how the student learns and can be helpful to them so that they have a broader range of learning instead of the traditional note taking

2.3.3. This creates self-discover learning and in turn creates life long learners.

3. Legend

3.1. Course themes

3.2. Subtopics

3.3. Connections

3.4. Evidence

4. History and Structure of Education

4.1. History, The Shaping of today's education system

4.1.1. The British took control over Canada and demands for schooling increased (1791) Churches had a huge influence in the creation of schools These churches also implemented residential schools that affected the education and culture of the Aboriginal students

4.1.2. In 1841 the Education Act was created Later the British North American Act (1867) was created and Canada became a country The Act states that any religious minority will have funding provided to build a separate school

4.1.3. Ryerson became superintendent in 1845 and wanted government control over education as well as having standardized curriculum, textbooks and level of teaching

4.2. Hidden Curriculum

4.2.1. “However, simply changing curricula and policy is insufficient because the problem is embedded in the social consciousness.”

4.2.2. “The hidden curriculum refers to the socialization process in schooling- a curriculum that is taught without being formally ascribed.” Teachers are influential as to how they come across to their students and can influence their view on the world

4.3. School systems

4.3.1. ATA sets policies using democratic processes deals with individual issues related to teachers and teaching practices

4.3.2. School Boards get power and authority from provincial laws and regulation and responsible for budgeting

4.3.3. There are many different types of schools such as; public, spate, Francophone and charter

4.4. Education and Schooling

4.4.1. “Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is a lifelong process, a process that starts long before we begin school and that should be an integral part of our entire lives.”

4.4.2. Education is throughout a person's life where as schooling happens in a building with a teacher. Education can teach someone more what they can learn in a classroom.

5. Professional Identity

5.1. Being a 21st century teacher "means that you keep an open mind about the content, methods and procedures used in your classroom . Constantly reevaluate the worth in relation to the students currently enrolled and the circumstance" (

5.1.1. Engage in reflective practice "Possession of these attitudes of open-mindedness, responsibility, and wholeheartedness,together with a command of technical skills of inquiry (for example observation) and problem solving define for Dewey a teacher who is reflective" (Grant, Zeichner)

5.1.2. Incorporate technology and Social Justice into curriculum "challenge popular ideas about society, how it works and our place in it" (How to Engage Constructively in Courses That Take a Critical Social Justice Approach)

5.1.3. Following the ministerial order of Inspiring Education by helping to develop Ethical Citizens, Engaged Thinkers and Entrepreneurial Spirits

5.1.4. Professional Development and Continual Growth partake in workshops and Professional Development sessions.

5.2. Being a professional- as discussed in Mark Yurick and Dr Wimmer' s presentations

5.2.1. "to become a professional teacher requires reexamination and transformation of what is already known about schooling" (Susan Florio-Ruane)

5.2.2. have a body of knowledge and undergone formal preparation pedagogical skills, evaluate and report progress of students, follow required curriculum

5.2.3. Member of The Alberta Teachers Association (ATA Handbook) Professional Code of Conduct Set of beliefs and values. Respectful towards all beliefs, cultures, religions, races, genders Teaching Quality Standard, demonstrate Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA's) - TQS Ministerial Order Relationship with school system, parents and students. Continuous growth and development, partake in Professional Development

5.3. What approaches inform teaching? Using more than one approach is more interesting and necessary when trying to connect and understand each child's learning needs because not all students respond the same way to different practices. These approaches are also embedded in the hidden curriculum that a teacher creates in their classroom.

5.3.1. Philosophies help determine what should be taught and why, along with the role of the teacher in the learning process. These ideas were discussed in class and in Chapter 2 of "Your Philosophy of Education" Perennialism- focuses on teaching the classics, universal truth, tradition- Mortimer Adler Existentialism- focuses on the existence of the individual- Jean Paul Satre (Child Centred) Essentialism- taught in a lecture style, back to basics, focuses on memorization Progressivism- Student led, project/inquiry based. Teacher is more of a guide- John Dewey Social Reconstructionalism- believes that world crisis can be changed through education

5.3.2. Educational Psychologies as discussed in class looks at how to motivate learning and how students are motivated to learn. Humanism- we all have basic needs to be met- learning happens after these are met. We control our destiny Maslow Behaviourism- possibility of rewards or punishment help determine student behaviour along with the actions and reactions of others. (Skinner, Pavlov) behavioural management- extrinsic vs. intrinsic- performing a certain way for either an external reward or for internal satisfaction. Teachers may also use punishment to shape behaviour or the reward system to train and promote good behaviour. How teachers manage behaviour in their classroom coincides with their beliefs and their hidden curriculum. Constructivism- idea that we create our own intrinsic meaning by internalizing information. (Jean Piaget) Information Processing- focuses on how the brain processes information.