Daily Life in Ancient Rome

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Daily Life in Ancient Rome von Mind Map: Daily Life in Ancient Rome

1. Food and Drink

1.1. The wealthy had kitchens and the poor had to go to a stand called a thermopolia where they got food. The wealthy had elaborate dinners when the poor just had fish, asparagus, and maybe some figs for dessert. The wealthy woman or their slaves could go to the market place to buy foods for fancy dinner parties.

2. Housing

2.1. The rich had grand homes compared to the dark diseased homes of the poor. Inside the front door was a hall called the atrium where the guests would enter. The rich would have guests over and they would lay on the couches and eat food. The poor would have rats running around their houses carrying diseases that the poor would get and eventually die from.

3. Education

3.1. The poor wouldn't go to school because they would send their kids straight to work when they were old enough. The wealthy families would have their children go grab something to eat and then they would go to their tutors house or to their meeting place. Roman boys would learn all sorts of things so they could make a good living in business or they could become a soldier.

4. Family Life

4.1. All of the families in Rome were led by the Father. The Mother would work on all of the household projects. Babies were named in a special ceremony for them. Boys had a celebration when they became adults, but girls became adults when they got married.

5. Recreation

5.1. The rich were able to see plays at the theatre. The rich and the poor were able to go to the public baths and relax. People loved to go and see gladiators kill each other and watch chariot Races.

6. Daily Life In Ancient Rome

6.1. If You were to go to Rome during the first-century then you would see one-million people all around the streets. All sorts of wealthy people were on the streets. There were also the poor struggling to live another day. A majority of the population was poor so the wealthy needed to give them food so they wouldn't riot.

7. Law And Order

7.1. In Ancient Rome the law was everything that the emperor said. The Senate still met to discuss issues and they had guards so they wouldn't get murdered. The laws were strict but that didn't stop the criminals. The police would only patrol the wealthy and wouldn't care what was happening in other parts of the town. The Romans believed that one set of laws were going to apply for all citizens.

8. Religion

8.1. The Romans borrowed other cultures Gods but then gave them Roman names. They would offer gifts to the gods to keep them happy. To celebrate the gods they had holy days where they had feasts and made offerings. The Roman Religion took other religions and they made it their own.

9. Country Life

9.1. 90% of the population lived in the country all throughout the empire. The rich owned large farms and giant houses that if they were paying their farm a visit than they could stay there. A majority of the work was done by the slaves and supervisors watched them to make sure they were doing their work.