eBay Tech Talk by Patrick Hund 18 Dec 2014

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eBay Tech Talk by Patrick Hund 18 Dec 2014 von Mind Map: eBay Tech Talk by Patrick Hund 18 Dec 2014

1. Douglas Crockford

1.1. Inventor of the JSON data format

1.2. Creator of JSLint

1.3. "JavaScript: The Good Parts" O'Reilly, 2008

1.4. Involved in specifying ECMAScript 5.1 and 6

1.5. PayPal employee since 2012

2. Coding Excercises

2.1. lifting

2.2. currying

2.3. composition

2.4. retursion

2.4.1. It is actually called "retursion" as opposed to "recursion" - a function that returns its own definition

2.5. generator

2.6. filter

3. Example: Throttle scroll events

4. Object Prototypes vs. Functions

4.1. creating an object "the traditional way", through a prototype

4.2. creating an object with a factory function

5. Putting It All Together: jQuery Plugin stickyBox

6. Thanks! Follow me on Twitter: @wiekatz