Sociology - is a social science, concerned with the study of hunan social relationships and vario...

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Sociology - is a social science, concerned with the study of hunan social relationships and various ways these rentionships develop. von Mind Map: Sociology - is a social science, concerned with the study of hunan social relationships and various ways these rentionships develop.

1. Social science studies

1.1. structure & function of society as a system

1.2. the nature, complexity and contens of human social behavior

1.3. the fundamental of humal social life

1.4. interaction of human beings with their external environment

1.5. how the social world affects us

2. Social system

2.1. Society

2.2. Community

2.2.1. Types Family ties Socio-demographic Territorial Cultiral & historical Professional One-goal oriented society

2.3. Person

3. Scope of Sociology

3.1. studing all human relationships, groups, institutions & societies

4. Sociological

4.1. Facts - things that are true

4.1.1. Sociologists interested in: -how they are produced -by whom -for what Sociologists use comparison

4.2. Opinion - ideas that MAY be factual/true

5. Concepts "Society" & "Culture" - central

5.1. Culture - common way of life, shared by a society of group

5.2. Society - a group of people who live within some type of territory & who share common way of life

6. Conflict

6.1. situation in which one person thinks, that his interests were denied

6.1.1. Strugle for power in society

6.1.2. occurs when people oppose each other in social interaction

6.2. Managing conflict - develop several styles and decide which is variable in each given point

6.2.1. Win/Win/Win You Administation Students/employees

7. Family

7.1. Concepts

7.1.1. Family

7.1.2. Kinship

7.1.3. Marriage

7.2. Global variations

7.2.1. Extended parents & children as well as other kin "shared blood"

7.2.2. Nuclear Parents + children

7.3. Marriage Patterns

7.3.1. Endogamy(same social category)

7.3.2. Exogamy(different)

7.3.3. Monogamy

7.3.4. Podigamy

7.4. Global trends

7.4.1. declining influence of clans & kin groups

7.4.2. freedom of mate selection

7.4.3. rights for woman

7.4.4. fewer kin marriages

7.4.5. sexual feedom

7.4.6. birthrates

7.4.7. children's rights

7.5. Stages of family life

7.5.1. courtship & romantic love

7.5.2. ideal & real marriage

7.5.3. child rearing

7.5.4. family in later life