Pros and Cons of University Instructional Structures

Pros and Cons of Traditional, Virtual, and Blended Learning Structures.

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Pros and Cons of University Instructional Structures von Mind Map: Pros and Cons of University Instructional Structures

1. Traditional Learning

1.1. On-Site Synchronous Instruction

1.1.1. Pros Evelyn Davidson: Social richness

1.1.2. Cons Evelyn Davidson: Travel required

2. Virtual Learning

2.1. Off-Site Synchronous Instruction

2.1.1. Pros Evelyn Davidson: No travel worries

2.1.2. Cons Evelyn Davidson: Some type faster than others.

2.2. Off-Site Asynchronous Instruction

2.2.1. Pros Evelyn Davidson: Students work at own pace.

2.2.2. Cons Evelyn Davidson: Must wait for feedback.

3. Blended Learning

3.1. Pros

3.1.1. Evelyn Davidson: Student options.

3.2. Cons

3.2.1. Evelyn Davidson: Many online courses must be waitlisted.