Stuctures and Forces

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Stuctures and Forces von Mind Map: Stuctures and Forces

1. External Forces

1.1. An external force is a force acting on something from its surrondings. An example of an external force would be someone pushing on an object

1.2. Point of application. The spot where the object is affected by the force.

1.3. Plane of application. The flat surface the force goes threw.

1.4. Magnitude the strength of the force being applied.

2. Types of structures

2.1. Soild Structure diffrent objects that uses a stable construction to support loads.

2.2. Frame structures uses different parts to support a load.

2.3. Shell strucutre a empty curved structure that is strong and light .

2.4. Combination structure a mix of all structures.

3. Loads

3.1. Different forces affecting the structure, object, or person. There are two different types of loads, live load and dead loads.

3.2. An example of a live load would be a person sitting on a chair. The person is a live load and the chair is the dead load.

4. Form and Function

4.1. A chairs functions are to support a person/objects weight, it is designed to support the weight of a human. the purpose of the object is for people to sit on it.

4.2. A desk functions are to support weight because people put computers and books on them. Its designed to carry weight of objects. The purpose of a desk is to allow people to have a space to work on.

4.3. A dressers functions are to carry clothing. the design doesn't have to be as strong because it isn't meant to support heavy weights. The purpose is to allow people to store clothing

5. Center Of Gravity

5.1. Center of gravity is where the weight of an object, person, etc... is balanced equally in places where the weight is mostly focused in. For example, it could be diffferent places where it is located like it could be low or high center of gravity.

5.2. Low center of gravity is more stable because the object, person etc... is closer to the ground. For example, a football player bends down so, he/she are more stable so, when their opponents try to tackle them for the football they are more likely not to fall down.

5.3. High center of gravity is not stable because the object, person, etc... aren't closer to the ground. For example, if a foot ball player just stands up straight and an opponent tackles him/her for the football he/her would most likely fall down.

6. Inetrnal Forces

6.1. An internal force is a force like tension, compression, torsion, and shear acting between or within people, structures, objects,etc..... An example is when to people are playing tug-o-war and pulling the rope in two different directions.

6.2. Tension is when you or something are pull apart an object, structure, etc.... For example, someone pulling apart a piece of lego.

6.3. Compression is when you or something are pressing on an object, structure, etc.... An example is when someone is pressing down on the dough to flatten it to make it into a pizza.

6.4. Shear is when you or something are breaking an object, structure, etc... in half. For example, someone breaking a pencil in half by holding it from both sides and pulling down to break it in half.

6.5. Torsion is when you or something are twisting an object, structure, etc... in different ways An example is when someone is twisting a piece of sticky tack to make it more soft to put something on easier.