What was the role of the Underground Railroad in abolishing slavery?

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What was the role of the Underground Railroad in abolishing slavery? von Mind Map: What was the role of the Underground Railroad in abolishing slavery?

1. Who were some powerful figures that contributed to the Underground Railroad?

1.1. Some key figures included Harriet Tubman, Fredrick Douglass, William Garrett and William Still.

2. Slaves who attempted to gain their freedom had to travel north to Canada. They traveled at night, and they used the North Star to guide them.

3. Because of the amount of runaway slaves, and the Fugitive Slave Act, Notrherners began to sympathize with the life of a Southern Save.

4. What effect did the Underground Railroad have on the Southern economy?

4.1. Because Southern plantation owners relied on slave labor, runaway slaves not only hurt them with their production of cotton, but they also had to employ runaway slave trackers to hunt down runaways which took time away from their plantations and money out of their pockets.

5. Why didn't every slave decide to use the Underground Railroad?