My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education von Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Policy of education

1.1. Liberal Perspective

1.2. Equality of Opportunity

1.3. Progressive Vision

1.4. Solving Social Poblems

1.5. Traditional Vision

1.6. Hard work

2. Philosophy of education

2.1. Modern Realism

2.2. Aristotle

2.3. Goal of Education

2.3.1. Understand and apply what they learn

2.4. Role of the teacher

2.4.1. Teacher-centered

2.5. Methods of Instruction

2.5.1. Lecture question and answer

2.6. Curriculum

2.6.1. Basics

3. School as Organization

3.1. Governance

3.2. •Consolidation

3.3. •Centralization

3.4. •De jure segregation

3.5. School Culture

3.6. Nature of teaching

3.7. Teacher Professionalization

4. History of U.S Educations

4.1. Traditional Reform

4.2. Subject-centered curriculum

4.3. Equality of Opportunity

4.4. Plessy v. Ferguson

4.5. Brown v. Board of Education

4.6. The Democratic-Liberal School

5. Sociological perspectives

5.1. Functional Theories

5.2. Emile Durkheim

5.3. Society as a Machine

5.4. Values

5.5. Tracking

5.6. De facto segregation

5.7. Equality of Gender

6. Curriculum and Pedagogy

6.1. Pedagogical Progressivism

6.2. Contemporary Critical Curriculum Theory

6.3. Pluralist Model

6.4. Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

6.5. Curriculum Stratification

6.6. Ability Grouping

6.7. Curriculum Tracking

7. •Equality of Opportunity

7.1. Class

7.2. Race

7.3. Gender

7.4. Students with Special Needs

7.5. The Coleman Study 1966

7.6. School Segregation

8. •Educational Inequality

8.1. Unequal Educational Achievement

8.2. Extra-School Explanations

8.2.1. Genetic Differences

8.2.2. Cultural Differences

8.2.3. Cultural Deprivation

8.3. School-Centered Explanations

8.3.1. School Financing

8.3.2. School Research

8.4. Within-School Explanations

8.4.1. Curriculum and Pedagogic

8.4.2. Curriculum and Ability Grouping

8.5. Gender and Schooling

9. •Educational Reform

9.1. Teacher Education

9.2. Community Reform

9.3. Goal of 2000

9.4. No Child Left Behind

9.5. Carnegie Report “A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century”

9.6. The Holmes Group Report “Tomorrow’s Teachers"

9.7. Rodriquez vs. San Antonio

9.8. Integrative Realm