D & T Lesson 2

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D & T Lesson 2 von Mind Map: D & T Lesson 2

1. Differentiation

1.1. Students will work in groups of three. Groups have been pre-arranged so that those with learning difficulties have team members who will be able and likely to support them

1.2. G & T students can be given an opportunity to work solo to create advanced models

2. Learning Objectives

2.1. To list the main purposes of various vehicles and the features that determine these

2.2. To test, sketch and dismantle a solar-powered toy car to gain a better understanding of how it functions

3. Activities

3.1. 1. Discuss the features and functions of various road vehicles

3.2. 2. Complete a table with these features

3.3. 3. Test (in groups) a solar-powered toy car

3.4. 4. Sketch and label the components of the toy car in workbooks

3.5. 5. Dismantle the car and examine the components

4. Preparation notes

4.1. This lesson must be held on a sunny day as students will be testing solar-powered toy cars in the sun

5. Curriculum Links

5.1. Year 6 - D & T - KU - Investigate how electrical energy can control movement in a designed product or system ACTDEK020

5.2. Scope and Sequence - 6.2 Investigate how forces or electrical energy can control movement, sound or light in a designed product or system

6. Resources

6.1. IWB

6.2. Student workbooks

6.3. Solar-powered model cars

6.4. Clear plastic containers with lids

6.5. Assessment checklist

6.6. Group Lists

7. Assessment

7.1. Formative - Vehicle features table - comments on checklist

7.2. Formative - Labelled sketch of model - comments on checklist

8. Cross Curricular Links

8.1. Sustainability - OI.8 Designing action for sustainability requires assessment of scientific and technological developments, and balanced judgments based on projected future economic, social and environmental impacts.