O Brother Where Out Tho is an adaptation from The Odyssey

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O Brother Where Out Tho is an adaptation from The Odyssey von Mind Map: O Brother Where Out Tho is an adaptation from The Odyssey

1. Protagonist

1.1. Odyssey- Odysseus a brave and intelligent man but also completely full of himself.

1.1.1. Example: Odysseus travels to The Land of The Dead to learn his fortune, although it is a very frightening and disturbing place. Even though Odysseus is warned of what could happen in the future he still ignores most of the advice he is given.

1.2. O Brother Where Out Tho- Everett a brave and intelligent man who is also full of himself.

1.2.1. Example: Everett escapes jail and hitches a ride on a blind rail road workers cart. The worker tell Everett is future and what dangers may lie ahead, but Everett just like Odysseus ignores the advice.

2. Antagonist

2.1. O Brother Where Out Tho- Everett's self gratification is the antagonist in the film because his constant "I am better than you" behavior is what gets him in trouble.

2.1.1. Examples- Everett's flaunting of his money is what gets the men beat up and stolen from.

2.2. Odyssey- Odysseus's self gratification is the antagonist in the epic The Odyssey because that gratification is what is constantly getting him in trouble.

2.2.1. Examples- Odyssey taunting the Cyclopes and telling him his name is how the Cyclopes has tells Poseidon of the man from Ithaca who hurt him, there for enraging Poseidon and causing him to throw them off corse.

3. Elements of an epic poem

3.1. Odyssey

3.1.1. The Odyssey is Geographically vast (across the sea), Has a heroic protagonist (Odysseus), shows the authors culture(Glorifies men who kill, displays women as objects that can weave, and shows us that all greek households must treat their guest as kindly as possible.), in the end the protagonist is a hero(Odysseus returns home and saves his wife before she is married away.), the epic has supernatural forces involved(Tiresias, Sirens, and all the gods and demigods involved."

3.2. O Brother Where Out Tho

3.2.1. O Brother Where Out Tho is geographically vast (a crossed the south), has a heroic protagonist (Everett), shows the authors culture (racism, and inequality), in the end the protagonist is a hero (Everett returns home becomes famous and gets his girl.), the piece has supernatural forces involved.(Blind railroad worker, flood that occurs right after Everett prays to god.)