What is "goodness"?

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What is "goodness"? von Mind Map: What is "goodness"?

1. Beautifully

2. Content

3. Charitable

4. Promise

5. Intact

6. Friendly

7. Praise

8. Brave

9. Does "goodness" means line of duty?

10. Does "goodness" means desire has been contented?

11. Happiness

12. Conscience

13. Harmonious

14. Hope

15. "Goodness" is a predicative word or a belongingness word?

16. What is the demarcation line between "good" and "evil"?

17. Could you think about one thing that include "good" and "evil"?

18. Righteousness could be the demarcation line between "good" and "evil"

19. Do you agree "goodness" is for people who believe god?

20. Simple

21. Forgive

22. "Goodness" have to be good to our society

23. Do you think be honest is always be in "goodness"?

24. Helpful

25. "Goodness" is means beneficial to everybody?

26. Unconditional