Get to Know Shania

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Get to Know Shania von Mind Map: Get to Know Shania

1. Personal Interests

1.1. I love to sing, but mostly for close friends and family.

1.2. I am addicted to Pinterest and can waste hours on the app.

1.3. I love to read classical books.

2. Interesting Facts

2.1. I don't really like going to the movies because I get bored sitting down.

2.2. I can't swim but I love going to the beach.

2.3. My favorite thing to eat is potato chips dipped in vanilla ice cream.

3. Childhood

3.1. I grew up in the Caribbean

3.2. I was raised by my aunt and grandmother.

3.3. I moved to Florida in the third grade.

4. Education

4.1. I went to Sandy Point Primary School in Sandy Point, St. Kitts.

4.2. I went to Westpine Middle School in Sunrise, Florida.

4.3. I graduated from Piper High School in Sunrise, Florida on June 5th, 2014