Career Plan

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Career Plan von Mind Map: Career Plan

1. Paragraph IV

1.1. personal traits, referencing course material

1.2. which one will be helpfull in your career

2. Goals

2.1. Assist in finding a cure for Lupus while providing jobs to the community

2.1.1. become a 501c create a business plan for non-profit action step: design a logo

2.1.2. determine structure of nonprofit and delegate officials action step: recruit initial team interview with others who have started a non-profit

2.1.3. Lease a space for the non-profit to operate out of. determine the amount of capital needed to start and annually run the non-profit. Create a financial agenda. action step: raise capital

2.2. timeline for goals

2.2.1. now-2 weeks from now

2.2.2. 2 weeks-4 wks

2.2.3. 4 wks-6 wks

2.2.4. 6-8 wks

2.2.5. 8-10 wks

2.2.6. 11-13

3. Paragraph VI: Conclusion

3.1. what have you learned doing a career plan

3.2. how will you apply what you have learned to your future

3.3. why is it important to set and achieve goals

3.4. what affect can setting and achieving goals have on motivation and perseverance

4. Resources

4.1. Ellis, Dave. (2014). From Master Student to Master Employee. 4th Edition. Boston: Cengage Learning.

5. Paragraph I

5.1. why you choose this area to study

5.2. why you choose this area to have a career in

5.3. how does your career chice fit in with your personal interest

6. Paragraph II

6.1. Career Discription

6.2. career training

6.3. qualifications needed to succeed

7. Paragraph III

7.1. what skills do you have

7.2. how do your skills affect your career choice