Digital tools increase academic success for the adult learner.

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Digital tools increase academic success for the adult learner. von Mind Map: Digital tools increase academic success for the adult learner.

1. I have chose these sources, because they're .org,, and one is a book I am going to use as a source. The sources are reliable and scholarly sources because of the content, audience, the authors of the sources

2. where the adult can learn how to adapt to online learning

2.1. from anywhere.

2.2. adults have hectic schedules and will have to use technology and digital tools to succeed with furthering their education

2.3. online forums, peers, teachers, online tutors and guided courses, communication tools.

3. To what extent does the effect of Digital tools increase academic success for the adult learner?

4. THESIS: Although the struggle with technology, adults can adapt to Digital tools which increase academic success for the adult learner therefore increasing the learning because it broadens where the adult can learn and how much they can learn from different sources.

5. devices and technology that make it actable to learn online

5.1. tablets, cell phones, laptops and portable interntet

5.2. you can take these devices anywhere and the adult learner may need this with their full time jobs, family

5.3. this is the transformation of learning.

6. sources I am using and why





7. adult student learning using technology

7.1. struggle of it

7.2. benefits of it

7.3. where they can they go to learn online learning

7.4. devices that make it easy to online learn

8. how adults benefit and succeed from online learning

8.1. can learn any where they go: coffee shops, at home, etc

8.2. there is forums to post your thoughts and questions online where billions of people can respond to help

8.3. learning never stops in life, adults of any age might have a hard time getting in a class room with full time jobs so this can make them succeed by learning online

9. struggle and adaptation of online learning

9.1. procrastination

9.2. time management

9.3. dealing with stressor on top of schooling