Main Topic: what is college and how to be successful in It?

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Main Topic: what is college and how to be successful in It? von Mind Map: Main Topic:  what is college and how to be  successful in It?

1. Conclusion:: College mean having alots of opportunities to change your life, if you're waiting to take the opportunities you can its really up to you.If you get successful in college or not its about the chooses you made during it that will effect you success.

2. what is college?

2.1. opportunity to gain valuable resources during your tenure

2.2. a chance to farther your interest

2.3. a chance to see other people point of views

3. DO'S

3.1. having a planner to organize your stuff

3.2. learning and understanding the materiel .not only going to class but being involved and going to tutoring and group studying.

3.3. experience the fun in college don't use go and get your education but building friendship and memories .


4.1. Stress: comes from different things family, friends, relationships ,work,or just feeling overwhelmed at school, try to not take so much classes knowing you will be feeling stress

4.2. don't wait for the last minute to do thins, (try to spread your work load)

4.3. Don't let anyone change why you came to college,don't be easy influence.