Scratch Across The Curriculum

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Scratch Across The Curriculum von Mind Map: Scratch Across   The Curriculum

1. Simulations

1.1. Dice Simulation

2. Storytelling

2.1. History

2.2. Literature

2.3. Language

2.4. Foreign Languages

3. Games

4. Programming in another language

4.1. Spanish

4.2. Mandarin

4.3. Vietnamese

5. Music Composition

6. Quizzes

6.1. Spelling Games

6.2. Arithmetic Games

7. Control Technology

7.1. Robotics

7.2. Computing

8. Equations

8.1. Economics

8.2. Mathematics

8.2.1. Slope, y-intercept

8.3. Simulating probability Chains

9. Mathematical Art

9.1. Line Graphics

9.1.1. polygons and rotation

9.1.2. line design

9.2. Tesselations

9.3. Fractals

9.4. Geometry

10. Animation

10.1. Graphic Design

10.2. Digrams

11. Map I Found/Somewhere needs attribution help!!!