Computer Basics/Troubleshooting Class

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Computer Basics/Troubleshooting Class von Mind Map: Computer Basics/Troubleshooting Class

1. Identifying ports on a computer

1.1. USB

1.2. Serial

1.3. Network

1.4. Mouse

1.5. Keyboard

2. CybraryN

2.1. CybraryNet

2.2. CybraryQue

2.3. CybraryPrint

2.4. CybrarySite

3. Virus/Spyware

4. How to explain the problem

5. When to do a soft reboot or hard reboot

6. Wi-Fi

6.1. How to access

6.2. Troubleshoot

7. Printers

7.1. How to set default

7.2. jams

8. Scanners

8.1. Troubleshoot - common problems