14 Categories of Disabilities

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14 Categories of Disabilities von Mind Map: 14 Categories of Disabilities

1. Visual Impairment (Including Blindness)

1.1. Intervention Strategy

1.2. Assistive Technology: Enlarged images, books on tapes, Braille keyboard, on screen text reader.

1.3. Modification: Reduced assignments, altering assignments to make them easier, providing hints or clues to assignments.

2. Other Health Impairment

2.1. Modifications: Extra time to complete assignments, shortened assignments, for students with ADHD: cues to focus, organizational modifications behavioral plans

2.2. Assistive Technologies: For ADHD learners: games and activities that will build focus and concentration.

2.3. Intervention Strategy

3. Deaf-Blindness

3.1. Assistive Technology: Perkins Brailler, deaf-blind communicator (DBC), large display calculator

3.2. Modifications: Decrease length, reduce amount, or complete a task analysis of assignments,Emphasize major points and provide frequent comprehension checks, Provide extra time for completing activities and assignments.

3.3. Case Study: Jon

3.4. Intervention Strategy

4. Traumatic Brain Injury

4.1. Intervention Strategy

4.1.1. Project specifications

4.1.2. End User requirements

4.1.3. Action points sign-off

4.2. Assistive Technology: Tape recorders, calculators, augmentative communication devices, timers, alarms

4.2.1. Define actions as necessary

4.3. Modifications: Preferential seating, provide small group instruction, provide student with written schedule, limit the number of people that interact with student daily, select classroom buddy

5. Specific Learning Disability

5.1. Modifications: alternative testing arrangements, extended time to complete assignments, allow student to stand at desk if necessary, break assignments into small steps, modify/shorten assignments.

5.2. Assistive Technologies: Portable word processors, speech-recognition programs, electronic math worksheets, audio books and publications, alternative keyboards

5.3. Intervention Strategy

6. Deafness

6.1. Assistive Technology: Vibrating alarms, text messaging, flashing light alerting device,

6.2. Modifications: Extra time to complete assignments, step by step directions, buddy system for notes, use of visual supplements (chalkboard, overhead, charts and lecture outlines), use alternative tests

6.3. Intervention Strategy

7. Developmental Delay

7.1. Assistive Technologies: Visual cards, tablets, ipads.

7.1.1. Schedule

7.1.2. Budget

7.2. Modification: Avoid a lot of worksheet, pen and pencil tasks, cover bookshelves for distractions, create routine, allow for standing and movement times,

7.2.1. KPI's

7.3. Intervention Strategy

8. Emotional Disturbance

8.1. Assistive Technologies: Music to help calm student, Games that can be used to reinforce positive behavior

8.2. Modification: Break assignments into short sections, distraction free testing areas, class room seating arrangements should be considered

8.3. Intervention Strategy

9. Autism

9.1. Modification: Allow student to use visual schedule, provide written and verbal instructions, provide student with visual choices,

9.2. Assistive Technologies: Augmentative communication devices, ipad, adaptable educational softwares

9.3. Case Study: Gary

9.4. Intervention Strategy

10. Hearing Impairment

10.1. Modification: Speak when facing the child, copy class notes for students, preferential seating (near the teacher), accommodate testing with extra time,

10.2. Assistive Technology: Alerting devices, vibrating alarms, Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs), personal amplifiers

10.3. Intervention Strategy

11. Intellectual Disability

11.1. Modifications: Use short and simple sentences, ask student if he needs clarifications, memory games, remove distractions when teaching, group learning assignments, break assignments into small steps

11.2. Assistive technology: Electronic wheelchair, word processor, computer

11.3. Case Study: Kevin

11.4. Intervention Strategy

12. Multiple Disabilities

12.1. Assistive Technology: Smart Boards, Audio books, Adaptive computer equipment to promote literacy, augmentative communication devices, IntelliTools

12.2. Modifications: Have a peer write for the student, alternative assignments, small group lessons

12.3. Intervention Strategy

13. Orthopedic Impairment

13.1. Assistive Technology: Augmentative communication devices, screen reading software, speech recognition software,

13.2. Modification: Seating arrangements to develop useful posture and movements, Instruction that is focused on development of gross and fine motor skills, Ensuring suitable augmentative communication and other assistive devices Adequate awareness of the student’s medical condition and its affect on the student

13.3. Intervention Strategy

14. Speech and Language Imapirment

14.1. Intervention Strategy

14.2. Assistive Technologies: A software called, First Words, a language program that has a number of applications for teaching those who are developing or reacquiring language functions. They may use augmentative or alternative communication (AAC).

14.3. Modification: Allow students time to express themselves, modify grading, give assignments orally and written, modify assignment lengths, give simple one-step directions

14.4. Case Study: Sophie