Wars in History

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Wars in History von Mind Map: Wars in History

1. Civil War

1.1. North VS. South

1.2. 1861-1865

1.3. Emancipation Proclamation

1.4. Abraham Lincoln

2. Spanish American War

2.1. Spain Vs. United States

2.2. 1898

2.3. Treaty of Paris

2.4. William McKinley

3. World War I

3.1. Treaties

3.2. Central Powers

3.3. The German, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and Russian empires dissapeared

3.4. The League of Nations

3.5. 1914-1918

4. Ohio content standards for second grade history: http://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Academic-Content-Standards/Social-Studies/Grade-2-Social-Studies-Model-Curriculum_April2014.pdf.aspx

5. World War II

5.1. Franklin D. Roosevelt

5.2. Adolf Hitler

5.2.1. Holocaust

5.3. Atomic bombs

5.4. 1939-1945

6. Vietnam

6.1. Communism

6.2. Eisenhower

6.2.1. Kennedy Johnson Nixon

6.3. Guerrilla warfare

6.4. 1955-1975