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Sun von Mind Map: Sun

1. Earth

1.1. The Moon is 1/4 the size of Earth

1.2. 8,000 miles in diameter

1.3. 93 million miles from the Sun

1.4. Moon is "close"

1.5. Beach Ball (Earth) vs. Epcot Dome (Sun)

1.6. Blue planet- so much water

2. Pluto

2.1. 1,400 miles in diameter

2.2. 1/5 the size of Earth

2.3. 40 times farther from the Sun that Earth

2.4. Sun looks like a small star from Pluto

2.5. It takes 248 years to circle the Sun

2.6. Considered a "dwarf" planet

2.7. Different orbit than other planets

3. Mercury

3.1. Closest planet to the sun

4. Mars

4.1. Red Planet

5. Jupiter

5.1. 1,300 Earths can fit in Jupter

6. Venus

6.1. Hottest of all the planets

7. Saturn

7.1. 2nd Largest Planet

8. Uranus

8.1. Has rings around it

8.2. Spins on its side