14 Disabilities as defined in IDEA

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14 Disabilities as defined in IDEA von Mind Map: 14 Disabilities as defined in IDEA

1. Deafness and Hearing Loss

1.1. Intervention/Modification

1.1.1. Technology Example of Technology being used

2. Developmental Delay

2.1. Intervention/Modification Strategies

2.1.1. Technology

3. Emotional Disturbance

3.1. Intervention/Modification Strategies

3.1.1. Technology

3.2. Megan Case Study Example

4. Hearing Impairment

4.1. Intervention/Modification Strategies

4.1.1. Technology

5. Intellectual disability

5.1. Intervention/Modification Strategies

5.1.1. Technology

6. Multiple Disabilities

6.1. Intervention/Modification Strategies

6.1.1. Technology Example of Technolgy

7. Orthopaedic Impairment

7.1. Intervention/Modification Strategies

7.1.1. Technology

7.2. Subcategory

8. Visual Impairment including blindness

8.1. kate's

8.2. Intervention/Modification Strategies

9. Autism

9.1. Intervention/Modification Strategies

9.1.1. Technology Example of Technology

9.2. Subcategory

10. Other Health Impairments

10.1. Intervention/Modification Strategies

10.1.1. Technology

10.2. Subcategories

11. Speech or Language Impairment

11.1. Intervention/Modification Strategies

11.1.1. Technology

12. Traumatic Brain Injury

12.1. Intervention/Modification Strategies

12.1.1. Technology

13. Specific Learning Disabilities

13.1. Intervention/Modification Strategies

13.1.1. Technology Example of technology

13.2. Ellie Case Study Example

13.3. Nick Case Study

13.4. Subcategories

14. Deaf-Blindness

14.1. Intervention/Modification strategies

14.1.1. Technology Example of Technology

15. refernces