Tools for better scholarship!

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Tools for better scholarship! von Mind Map: Tools for better scholarship!

1. How to be a better reader.

1.1. Find what works for you

1.2. skimming-don't waste time

1.2.1. Abstract

1.2.2. introduction

1.2.3. conclusion

1.2.4. body of article

1.2.5. quick re-skim

1.3. Read thoroughly for key concepts

1.4. What do you think? Critical analysis

2. How to be a better writer.

2.1. Know your assignment!

2.1.1. guidelined

2.1.2. length

2.1.3. content

2.2. Chose a topic for YOU!

2.2.1. personal interest

2.2.2. broad/focused

2.3. Check out the resources

2.4. Turn topic into questions

2.4.1. who, what , where, why

2.4.2. consider and angle

2.5. Brainstorm keywords

2.6. Browse resources

2.6.1. garbage in/ garbage out

2.6.2. revise topic as necessary

3. Academic Integrity

3.1. Plagiarism

3.1.1. using someone else words

3.1.2. using someone else ideas

3.1.3. numbers/statistics

3.1.4. buying works/papers

3.1.5. double dipping

3.2. Avoiding Plagiarism

3.2.1. CITE, others ideas

3.2.2. CITE others words

3.2.3. CITE numbers and statistics

3.2.4. submit original papers