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SEO mind map von Mind Map: SEO mind map

1. Keyword analysis

1.1. Google suggestions

1.2. Adwords keyword planner

1.3. Competitor authority

2. Backlinking

2.1. Some nofollow

2.2. Focus on dofollow

2.3. Diverse sources

2.4. Diverse anchor text

2.5. Quality websites

3. Basics

3.1. Focus keyword

3.1.1. In title

3.1.2. In content

3.1.3. In meta description

3.1.4. In page URL

3.1.5. Research before choosing

3.2. tags

3.3. WordPress plugins

3.3.1. Yoast SEO Use in-plugin analysis

4. Speed optimization

4.1. Compress images

4.2. Speed optimization checklist

4.3. Diagnose with Gtmetrix

4.4. Real time speed with waterfall test