Boo Radley

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Boo Radley von Mind Map: Boo Radley

1. He is seen as a person who is emotionally scarred in the early stages but is later seen for his goodness instead. "Boo doesn't mean anybody any harm"

2. How other see him?

2.1. Others never really in the known about what he looked like, they all had their opinion and what they had been told. This was all opinions as nobody had seen Boo Radley in a long time. "There was a long jagged scar that ran across his face; what teeth he had were yellow and rotten; his eyes popped, and he drooled most of the time."

3. Personality

3.1. Boo is one of the mockingbirds in the book for he is innocent but has been damaged by evil of mankind. Throughout the novel Boo hints a kind and playful personality

4. Looks Like

5. Textual issues or concerns linked to this character

5.1. Boo Radley is seen in the novel as a mocking bird, a good person who has been wrong done by mankind. "Having been so accustomed to his absence, I found it incredible that he had been sitting beside me all this time, present. He had not made a sound."

6. The message

6.1. The character Boo Radley is not just a person he is a message, a very strong message. through out the novel boo was p