Final exam

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Final exam von Mind Map: Final exam

1. What technology tools do you want to use as a teacher as a result of taking this class?

1.1. I would like to have laptop for each student. Also, I would like to have microphones and speakers so the students could communicate through laptops. Also, I would like that students would have free access to different kinds of apps, because that would help them to understand the variety of ways the technology works. I would use classroom blog to communicate with the students.

2. What do you want your students to be able to do? List 4-5 specific goals you will have for them. (You may use the TEKS.

2.1. identify, create, and use files in various formats such as text, raster and vector graphics, video, and audio files

2.2. create original works as a means of personal or group expression

2.3. discuss trends and possible outcomes

2.4. explore complex systems or issues using models, simulations, and new technologies to make predictions, modify input, and review results

2.5. participate in personal learning networks to collaborate with peers, experts, or others using digital tools such as blogs, wikis, audio/video communication, or other emerging technologies