How to spread kindness?

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How to spread kindness? von Mind Map: How to spread kindness?

1. Before and during the war (Tommy)

1.1. Treaty of versailles

1.1.1. - Students have an understanding of the significance of the Treaty on world war 2

1.1.2. Language Goals - Students can distinguish 'a' from 'an' situatopms

1.2. The Holocaust

1.2.1. Content Goals - Students can explain what the Holocaust was and display a global knowledge concerning the subject

1.2.2. Language Goals - Students display a knowledge of vocabulary linked to the Holocaust

1.3. Enigma code

1.3.1. Content Goals - Students understand the impact of the Enigma code story on the war

1.3.2. Language Goals - Students increase their vocabulary learning words in relation to the topic addressed

1.4. Nazi Germany

1.4.1. Content Goals - Students know the characteristics of the Nazi regime

1.4.2. Language Goals - Students know how to apply and distuingish comparatives and superlatives

2. The Netherlands: During the war (Torben)

2.1. Liberation

2.1.1. Content Goals -Students know how and when the Netherlands were libirated by the allied forces.

2.1.2. Language Goals -Students can organize a liberation party.

2.2. Invasion of the Netherlands

2.2.1. Content Goals -Students know how and when the netherlands were invaded by the German army.

2.2.2. Language Goals -Students can express their thoughts on the bombing of Rotterdam in a speech.

2.3. Anne Frank

2.3.1. Content Goals: -Students know who Anne frank was and why her diary is important.

2.3.2. Language goals -Students can write about their life in the present tense..

2.4. Dutch Resistance during the war

2.4.1. Content Goals -Students are aware of what the dutch resistance did during the war.

2.4.2. Language Goals -students can use their newly learned vocab to write about a war hero. .

3. Language Goals -Students know how to express their feelings and opionions. -Students know vocabulary that is related to the subject (world war 2) -Students are able to have a discussion in class about the subject. Writing -Students can give short, basic descriptions of events and activities. Reading -Can understand short, simple texts containing the highest frequency vocabulary, including a proportion of shared international vocabulary items. -Can identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters such as letters, brochures and short newspaper articles describing events.

4. Content Goals: Students have an understanding of the impact of the German invasion of the Netherlands. -Students know what Stalin , Roosevelt , Hitler and Queen Wilhemina did during the war. -Students can name and explain the major events of the war. -Students can point out the influences and roles of different groups and individuals within the war

5. Donate to the

5.1. Adolf Hitler

5.1.1. Content Goals - Students know What Hitler's role was during the War.

5.1.2. Language Goals - Students know how to express their feelings by writing a letter of resignation to all countries that have suffered during the second World War. - Students can use content based vocabulary in different exercises which both have been provided by the teacher.

5.2. Franklin D. Roosevelt

5.2.1. Content Goals - Students know about Roosevelt´s Office of War Information (OWI) and how that influenced American citizens to join the war.

5.2.2. Language Goals - Students know how to create/write a 'Call of Duty' Poster. - Students know how to implement specific modal verbs when creating this poster.

5.3. Language goals - Students are able to actively listen to/watch a mini documentary and answer the questions using bottom up and Top-down listening strategies. - Student get to know new vocabulary and know how to use them in a sentence. - Students can express their feelings towards Stalin. (writing)

5.4. Joseph Stalin

5.4.1. Content Goals -Students know about Stalin's Role in the Second World War.

5.5. Queen Wilhelmina

5.5.1. Content Goals - Students know and understand why the Dutch Queen left the Netherlands during the war.

5.5.2. Language Goals - Students can express their feelings through a debate - Students know how to use the past simple while doing so

6. End of the War(Karima)

6.1. D-day(1944)

6.1.1. Content Goals - Students are aware of the meaning of D-day and what happened that day

6.1.2. Language Goals - Students will make use of the vocabulaire that is attached to this history event

6.2. Liberation of Europe: The Germans surrender

6.2.1. Content Goals - Students are aware of how the Germans surrendered

6.2.2. Language Goals - Students be using the past tense in their report

6.3. Battle of Berlin / Closing the ring(1945)

6.3.1. Content Goals - Students know about the battle of Berlin

6.3.2. Language Goals - Students are able to write about their experiences in the battle of Berlin by using the present tense

6.4. Reunited Families(1945)

6.4.1. Content Goals - Students can organise a family reunion

6.4.2. Language Goals - Students know how to write a letter by using the correct format