Nutritional Health within a childcare facility

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Nutritional Health within a childcare facility von Mind Map: Nutritional Health within a childcare facility

1. Importance of Nutrition

1.1. Supporting Healthy Growth & Develop

1.2. Teach Healthy Habits during the Foundation of Development

1.3. Impact on Child's Health Later in Life

2. Suggestions to promote healthy eating

2.1. MyPlate Program

2.2. Plant a Garden

2.3. Establish Potlucks events every so often

2.4. Utilize Resources

2.5. Role Model

3. Benefits of Promoting Healthy Eating Habits

3.1. Ensure children are eating a proper meal

3.2. Gets children involved in the process og growing healthy food

3.3. Cultural awareness

3.4. Make use of kitchen space to teach kids how to make healthy simple snacks

3.5. Kids will eat better when they see their role models eating healthy