Post US Civil War.

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Post US Civil War. von Mind Map: Post US Civil War.

1. The Spanish-American War

1.1. Conflict between Spain and the United States

1.2. 1898

1.3. Sinking of the US Ship The Maine (2nd Class Ship) sinking

1.4. Cuba Independence

1.5. Ended with the Peace Treaty of Paris

1.6. Key Players: Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders, President McKinley, General Fitzhugh Lee, Captain-General Ramon Blanco

2. Plessy v. Ferguson

2.1. June 7, 1892

2.2. Homer Plessy was jailed

2.3. Louisiana Law he was considered black although he was only 1/8th African American

2.4. Plessy was found guilty for not leaving the White man's car

2.4.1. 7 to 1 with the majority of Plessy was guilty

2.5. Is the Constitution color blind

2.6. Supreme Court Hearing

2.7. segregation is not considered unlawful discrimination.

3. Race and Voting in the Segregated South

3.1. Medgar Evers (WWII Vet) and voting in Mississippi

3.2. Mobbed attached Medgar Evers when he attempted to vote

3.3. Democracy is the right to vote but this was not followed through

3.4. 14th and 15th Amendments being violated

3.5. 500,000 black men became voters in the South during the 1870 (Women were excluded)

3.6. Prominent Black characters were beginning to take charge - Hiram Rhodes Revels (1st African American to serve in the U.S. House of Representative and Senate)

3.7. African Americans began to stand up for their rights in non violent and strong forms

3.7.1. Sit ins occured

3.7.2. Roas Parks

3.7.3. The Freedom Ride

3.7.4. March on Washington

3.7.5. Mississippi Freedom Summer

3.7.6. Selma

3.8. Court Cases began to occur that were setting precedences for the future

3.8.1. Plessy v. Ferguson New Orleans challenge Jim Crow laws Justice Henry Brown Brown determined that the14th Amendment was not for social equality

3.9. The Civil Rights Act of 1964

3.9.1. Constitutional rights for African Americans

3.9.2. President John F. Kennedy

3.9.3. Outcome: African Americans can vote without intimiatation

3.9.4. Followed by President Lyndon Johnson

4. Reconstruction and Its Aftermath

4.1. The Emancipation Proclamation in 1863

4.2. Freed African Americans in southern states after the Civil War

4.3. Although Africans Americans were already fighting in the war for our country, their rights as equal citizens to whites was not possible

4.4. After the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the passing of the 13th, 14th,15th Amendments, and the ending of the Civil War African Americans were briefly given equal voting rights, public accommodations, and the ability to own land. Shortly after this time period, whites fought for these rights to be removed.

5. What is Jim Crow???

5.1. Who it effected?

5.1.1. Southern Blacks

5.1.2. Blacks on border states

5.2. 1877 and the mid-1960s

5.3. Limitations of what blacks can do. Examples as follows but not limited to:

5.3.1. Sexual Relations with whites

5.3.2. May not light a white woman's cigarette

5.3.3. May not shake a white man's hand

5.3.4. Must always sit in the back of transportation

5.4. Separate by Equal

5.4.1. With the passing the 13th, 14th, 15th Amendment it gave Blacks equal rights so Jim Crow was enacted to force seperation

5.4.2. All public insinuations, parks, business establishments upheld segregation

5.5. No voting due to Grandfather clause

5.6. Limited the careers to all African Americans and outlines what their position could entail

5.7. Lynchings occurred often and never with repercussions for the act

6. Jewish Involvement

6.1. United Stated Involvement

6.2. US Non-semitism

6.3. Occurred during the same time that the African American population was struggling

6.4. White Christian life was adopted

6.5. Red Scare

6.6. New York - 1910 quarter million Jews inhabiting the city

6.7. Protestants complained with the views of Jews

6.8. Educational status is higher leading to higher professional positions

7. Irish involvement

7.1. Catholism

7.2. Racial Oppression

7.3. Act of the Union 1880

7.4. Massive struggle from the beginning of their immigration and encountered famine

7.5. Upon arrival - their status immediately was put on the same level as African americans with lack of rights, house accommodations and living conditions

7.6. Prison conditions and evidence that Irish and African African were not causing riots, fights

7.7. Smoked Irish - derogatory term

7.8. Issue and discussion of extending citizenship and equal rights of US Citizens