Meisterquest Questionstorming: CHRSITIANITY to join this questionstorm, email from your mindmeist...

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Meisterquest Questionstorming: CHRSITIANITY to join this questionstorm, email from your mindmeister email to [email protected] and follow @meisterquest on twitter Rules: Besides Main Nodes, Questions only are allowed as nodes. Feel free to add notes to any nodes that aren't in the form of questions, but the intent of questionstorming isn't to arrive at answers its to arrive the questions that produce transformational insight. von Mind Map: Meisterquest Questionstorming: CHRSITIANITY to join this questionstorm, email from your mindmeister email to and follow @meisterquest on twitter  Rules: Besides Main Nodes, Questions only are allowed as nodes. Feel free to add notes to any nodes that aren't in the form of questions, but the intent of questionstorming isn't to arrive at answers its to arrive the questions that produce transformational insight.

1. Questions from "A People's History of Christianity" by Diana Butler Bass

1.1. What are the different intents of religious icons?

1.1.1. What is the relationship between the way icons were used in medieval Christianity and the intent of the commandment to not make any graven image? Does the commandment to not make any graven images apply to icons and paintings?

1.1.2. How can one go wrong with icons and paintings? What are unintended uses of icons? What are unintended consequences of the use of icons? Are there unintended consequences of the use of icons? How can icons make accessible one's path to spirituality?

1.1.3. What is the benefit of icons? How do icons make religion more accessible?

1.1.4. What would be the positive intent of a religious icon?