Laughter Out of Place

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Laughter Out of Place von Mind Map: Laughter Out of Place

1. Humor comes from sorrow

2. Humor is a form of power that is both conservative and liberatory. "It reveals the fault lines in society"

3. In terms of power, the upper class has it. Their interests are always perused even when it conflicts with lower class interests. The lowerclass never confront the upper.

4. Economically, Brazil history is rooted into slave trade, sugar, and coffee.

5. There is a mix of political history and influences.

6. Donna Goldstein collects her data through the stories and interviews of the people she comes into contact with. Ie: Gloria.

7. Power comes from class differences. Not having power can result in suffering like sickness, hunger and violence.

8. Because of a lack of land reform, class divides appeared.

9. Donna Goldstein did most of her research in the shanty towns of Rio.