The effects of dilated cardiomyopathy on the child and family


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The effects of dilated cardiomyopathy on the child and family von Mind Map: The effects of dilated cardiomyopathy on the child and family

1. Psychological issues

1.1. parents-fear and anxiety of child health, feeling guilty if its familial, feeling of helplessness,feeling of angry to God

1.2. child-anger over less independence, feeling of different from other children,fear of death

2. Medical care issues

2.1. routine care,specialaist referrals,poorunderstanding of child's health,childhood illness, routine immunisations, poor understanding of medications,side effect.

3. Feeding and diet issues

3.1. poor appetite,slow growth, poor absorption of nutrients from digestive tract,tube feeding,demand feeding for babies.

4. Developmental delay

4.1. physical limitations,prolonged hospitalisation,isolated in peer group.

5. Restriction on activities

5.1. can't participate in competitive activity,avoid overexertion,older children has limit gym activities,avoid exposure to extreme cold temperature.

6. School issues

6.1. academic issues resulting from illness ,social issues from being small and can't participate in school events,Practical issues includes special dietary needs,medications,availability of defibrillator.

7. Travel precautions

7.1. prepare for emergency all the time ,keep the medical emergency numbers,keep the medication all the time,Avoid trip to remote areas.

8. Caring for child-family and medical leave

8.1. job protected leave,advance notice to employer,medical certificate.

9. Financial and insurance assistance

9.1. dealing with medical expense,reviewing bills,meeting payments on time,travel,food and lodging expense during hospitalisation. Obtaining a health or life insurance for the child.

10. Post adolescent issues

10.1. selection of occupation,recreational activities,alcohol and caffeine intake

11. Sibling rivalry

11.1. sick child gets more care, sick child may restricted from picnic and camping,Feeling of guilt at being well.

12. emergency or unexpected care

12.1. admitted to ICU due to complication of cardiomyopathy