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SEO von Mind Map: SEO

1. Conduct Survey

1.1. Of Model Customers

1.2. Define Model Customer

1.2.1. At least 2 years user

1.2.2. Personal or Pro

1.3. Questions

1.3.1. What are you using the tool for the most?

1.3.2. How do you usually access the tool?

1.3.3. Is there a feature you couldn't live without?

2. Competitor Analysis

2.1. Social media

2.1.1. Reach

2.1.2. Engagement

2.1.3. Growth

2.1.4. Influence

2.1.5. Mood

2.2. User

2.2.1. Model user

2.2.2. Retention / Churn

2.3. Comparison!

3. Keyword analysis

3.1. Blog

3.2. Website

3.3. Optimize content pages for keywords