Lorraine Briggs

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Lorraine Briggs von Mind Map: Lorraine Briggs

1. Social Media

1.1. Manage Dexy

2. Mobile

3. Management of TradePlan

4. Regular Marketing Updates

5. Engage with Internal Departments

6. Virtual Distribution

6.1. Web Content

6.2. Manage Social via Dexy

6.3. Catelogues

6.4. Trade Customers

6.4.1. Garden Centres etc.

6.5. Online Trade Counter

7. SEO

7.1. external / Door4 ?

8. PPC

8.1. Door4

9. Affiliates

9.1. WebGains

10. OnLine PR

11. Keyword

11.1. From PMs

12. Reports & KPIs

12.1. Daily

12.2. Weekly

12.3. Monthly

12.4. Annual

12.5. Seasonal

12.6. Sales per market v category v target v timed periods

12.7. Power BI

13. Company Marketing Strategy

13.1. Straplines / Logos

13.2. Content