Operating Systems Pilot Topics

This is the lesson plan in order of instruction for the pilot. This include the list of topics, quizzes and badges awarded.

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Operating Systems Pilot Topics von Mind Map: Operating Systems Pilot Topics

1. Virtualization

1.1. Hosts versus Guests

1.2. Hardware utilization

1.3. Management and fiscal benefits

2. Introduction to the Web Interface

2.1. URL

2.2. Login

2.2.1. Task

2.2.2. Prerequisites

2.3. Home location

2.3.1. Task

2.3.2. Prerequisites

2.4. Help

2.5. QUIZ

2.6. Badge & Proceed to next topic

3. Hosts and CLusters

3.1. Hosts

3.2. Clusters

3.3. Guests

3.4. QUIZ

3.5. Badge & Proceed to next topic

4. Storage

4.1. Databases

4.2. ISO Images

4.3. QUIZ

4.4. Badge & Proceed to next Topic

5. Networking

5.1. College Network

5.2. Private Network

5.3. QUIZ

5.4. Badge & Proceed to next topic

6. Resource Pools

6.1. CPU Resources

6.2. Memory Resources

6.3. Boundaries

6.4. Access Control

6.5. QUIZ

6.6. Badge