What is Web2.0?

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What is Web2.0? von Mind Map: What is Web2.0?

1. User Centric Content

1.1. Many-to-many publishging

1.1.1. weblogs

1.1.2. micro blogs

1.1.3. social bookmarking

1.1.4. wikis

1.1.5. podcasts

1.1.6. vidcasts and screencasts

1.1.7. Feeds

1.2. Socially oriented

1.2.1. Social Networks

1.2.2. Communities

2. Services and APIs

2.1. Flexible, Remixable

2.2. Client-side oriented

2.2.1. most suited for JavaScript and Action Script

2.2.2. JSON

3. Utility Computing

3.1. Data in the cloud

3.2. Applications on demand