#NYCEDU Organization Design

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#NYCEDU Organization Design von Mind Map: #NYCEDU Organization Design

1. Public

1.1. #general_

1.1.1. announcements: important announcements from moderators

1.1.2. chat: chit-chat with everyone

1.1.3. jobs: post opportunities here

1.2. #open_

1.2.1. donut_pals: be randomly paired with someone in #NYCEDU

1.2.2. sandbox: play with early versions of new #NYCEDU features

1.2.3. townhall: be part of the #NYCEDU decision making process

1.3. #local_

1.3.1. bronx

1.3.2. brooklyn

1.3.3. manhattan

1.3.4. staten_island

1.3.5. queens

1.4. #funtimes_

1.4.1. brunchcrew (separate mailing list)

1.4.2. climbingcrew

1.4.3. sweetsquad

1.5. #topic_

1.6. #we_are_

2. Private

2.1. #team_

2.1.1. all

2.1.2. communications

2.1.3. funding

2.1.4. organizers

2.1.5. partnerships

2.1.6. tech_ automation website

2.2. #offer_

2.2.1. convenings

2.2.2. events_cal

2.2.3. orgs_list

2.2.4. online