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Minerals von Mind Map: Minerals

1. Can be identified with their properties

2. Transperancy

2.1. opaque

2.2. translucent

2.3. transparent

3. Luster

3.1. Color

3.1.1. Blue

3.1.2. Red

3.1.3. Green

3.2. Glassy

3.3. Brilliant

4. Crystal Shape

4.1. tetrahedron

4.2. cube

4.3. octahedron

4.4. rhombohedron

5. Size

5.1. Big

5.2. Medium

5.3. Small

6. Hardness to copper

7. Hardness to glass

8. Types of Minerals

9. Quartz

9.1. Silicon

10. Gold

10.1. metal

11. Copper

11.1. bronze

12. rocks types

12.1. coal

12.1.1. Coal is formed by heat and pressure.

12.2. Fossils

12.2.1. Fossils are created by the bones of dead animals.

12.3. Magma

12.3.1. Magma is formed by the melting of earth's mantle.