Theodore the accused

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Theodore the accused von Mind Map: Theodore the accused

1. Thinks

1.1. My character use to think that Pete Duffy the murder suspect was inoccent and that he did not kill his wife. pg:6-7-8

1.1.1. Now my character thinks Pete Duffy is guilty because he ran away in the middle of the night and no one has any clue of where he has gone. pg: 24-25-26

2. Says

2.1. My character used to say stuff that he thought was true but no one else agreed.

2.1.1. My character says stuff that he knows is true because he probably does not want to hurt people's feelings.

3. Does

3.1. My character used to hardly visit Ike because he had very few cycle accidents but now because someone is sabotaging him he has no choice but to go to Ike.

3.1.1. My character now visits Ike a lot because he has had many cycle accidents.