Traction: Vision

Plan your website and create the next important tasks for get your project rolling

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Traction: Vision von Mind Map: Traction: Vision

1. The Vision / Traction Organizer

2. What is your three-year picture?

2.1. Set date

2.2. Revenue

2.3. Profit

2.4. Measurables

3. What is your one-year plan?

3.1. Set date

3.2. Revenue

3.3. Profit

3.4. Measurables

4. What are your quarterly rocks?

5. What are your issues?

6. Created by Dave Rothacker

7. Your target market

8. The 8 Questions

8.1. What are your core values?

8.1.1. Choose 3-7

8.1.2. Communicate to organization

8.1.3. Hire based to fit core values

9. What is your core focus?

9.1. Why does your company exist?

9.2. What is your company's niche?

10. What is your marketing strategy?

10.1. Your proven process

10.2. Your three uniques

10.3. Your gurantee

11. What is your 10-year target?