My New MindHow influential was the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe?

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My New MindHow influential was the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe? von Mind Map: My New MindHow influential was the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe?

1. Christian church takes shape.

1.1. Christianity is one of the most respected religions in the middle ages and almost all life revolves around christianity.

1.2. Roman Catholic Church

1.3. All christians at one point belonged to the biggest church chain called the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

2. The Increasing Power of the Church 

2.1. During the middle ages the Roman Catholic Church had great economic power. They also had a lot of political power.

2.2. Picture

2.3. Sometimes the church brought conflict to the european monarchs.

3. Organization of the Roman Catholic Church.

3.1. Over time, Church leaders developed an organization that was modeled on the structure of the old Roman government.

3.2. Pope

3.3. They oversaw there own big pieces of land or regions that are called archdioceses.