Students will be able to identify persuasive writing.

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Students will be able to identify persuasive writing. von Mind Map: Students will be able to identify persuasive writing.

1. Profile #1: Greg

1.1. Interests Outside of School

1.1.1. Playing Minecraft

1.1.2. Soccer

1.1.3. Legos

1.2. Academics

1.2.1. Reading: 2

1.2.2. Writing: 4

1.2.3. Math: 4

1.2.4. History/Geography: 2

1.2.5. Science: 4

1.3. Learning Style

1.3.1. Audio

1.3.2. Kinesthetic

1.4. Differentiation Strategies

1.4.1. Content: Greg would do better to choose his own specific material. His interests are diverse and he has many questions. He is most likely to remain interested when he's able to direct his own learning. To meet this specific objective, Greg should be provided with options for investigation and choose his own.

1.4.2. Product: Greg would need to display his learning in a variety of ways. From his academic readiness profile, I see he is adept at writing. I would encourage him to engage with that by offering him a chance to share it with the class. Greg can stay very focused when he's leading the discussion. To meet this specific objective, Greg should write down his observations, then share them with the class with a set of "discussion questions" of his own choosing.

2. Profile #3: Ammar

2.1. Interests Outside of School

2.1.1. Soccer

2.1.2. Tennis

2.1.3. Swimming

2.2. Academics

2.2.1. Reading: 3

2.2.2. Writing: 2

2.2.3. Math: 4

2.2.4. History/Geography: 3

2.2.5. Science: 4

2.3. Content

2.3.1. Kinesthetic

2.3.2. Visual

2.4. Differentiation Strategies

2.4.1. Affect: Differentiation for Ammar should be focused on his excellent/advanced academic readiness. He needs opportunities to lead and stretch himself to avoid future association with school as a dull place. Ammar thrives in a cooperative learning environment where the sage on the stage has been replaced with a guide and resource-provider. A far more mature environment is suitable for his learning strengths. For this objective, the classroom should offer a great deal of autonomy for students in working toward the objective.

2.4.2. Content: For a student like Ammar, freedom in material is very important to encourage his growth. While many students may need heavy guidance, Ammar is able to explore his resources alone and make decisions about how they ought to be used. For this objective, Ammar should have access to more contexts (persuasive writing examples and resources) AS WELL AS open access to teacher guidance for discussion and suggestions. He should also be placed in a higher level group for opportunities to discuss his reasoning.

2.4.3. Product: Ammar's writing score is lower than expected for his other strengths. Because he is absolutely capable, I might require him to do paragraph writing and organization to exhibit what he's learned, allowing verbal explanation to make up for what he feels his writing lacks. This would stretch him.

3. Profile #2: Salma

3.1. Interests Outside of School

3.1.1. Gymnastics

3.1.2. Art

3.1.3. Playing with friends

3.2. Academics

3.2.1. Reading: 4

3.2.2. Writing: 2

3.2.3. Math: 2

3.2.4. History/Geography: 3

3.2.5. Science: 2

3.3. Learning Style

3.3.1. Visual

3.3.2. Kinesthetic

3.4. Differentiation Strategies

3.4.1. Process: Salma struggles with any amount of lecture-based learning. She immediately closes off and receives nothing. However, when put into a group and given a specific objective, she flourishes and engages much better with the material. To meet this specific objective, Salma should be assigned a position within a group that requires her to do her own reading and create a visual.

3.4.2. Product: Salma is a good reader when not pressed for time, but she is not a strong writer. For this assessment, she should be able to use visuals to show how she has identified pieces of persuasive writing using colors and images. Thus, the assessment of her mastery is more closely aligned with her readiness level.