Issues of web-awareness and digital citizenship for students on the internet

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Issues of web-awareness and digital citizenship for students on the internet von Mind Map: Issues of web-awareness and digital citizenship for students on the internet

1. Identity/privacy

1.1. Once Digital Footprint is out there, it is out there forever.

1.2. Need to know how to change the privacy settings on their own sites

1.2.1. Risk of theft/crime

1.2.2. cannot trust others

1.2.3. Safety and security

1.3. How to back up data

1.3.1. Virus Protection

2. Cyber-Bullying

2.1. Hurts Students

2.1.1. Can affect their learning

2.1.2. Can result in physical bullying at school

2.2. Can't be easily seen

2.2.1. Can not help if you don't know it is going on

2.2.2. Can go unnoticed

3. Unreliable/Unknown Sources

3.1. Students will use unreliable sources

3.1.1. Can decrease the validity of their work

3.2. Many different digital communication options

3.2.1. sometimes hard to tell which are reliable or not

3.2.2. Need to be able to know what is legal and illegal to use Appropriate sources How to cite digital resources

4. Inappropriate Digital Ettiquette

4.1. Need to be taught appropriate behaviour

4.1.1. Can it effect your future?

4.1.2. Would you be okay with the whole world seeing this?

4.1.3. Would you say this to someone face to face?

4.2. Can come back in the future

4.2.1. Can have a negative effect

4.2.2. Need to be careful

4.3. Ethics of technology

4.3.1. Online crime Hacking Identity theft Illegal downlading Plagerizing