Lack of Web Awareness & Digital Citizenship

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Lack of Web Awareness & Digital Citizenship von Mind Map: Lack of Web Awareness & Digital Citizenship

1. Uneducated in Authenticity of Sources

1.1. False Information For Students

1.2. students educated wrongly

1.3. learn poor morale

1.4. false information passed on

1.5. research skills lacking

1.6. Validity of Emails Unknown

1.7. pertinent information given

1.8. potential for identity theft

1.9. personal safety compromised

1.10. potential stalkers

2. Lack of Education around Marketing Strategies

2.1. Unhealthy Habits

2.2. senseless buying

2.3. bullying

2.4. shaming

2.5. addiction to games/et cetera

2.6. unhealthy attachment to internet

2.7. Indoctrinated with False Ideas

2.8. too much time on internet

2.9. students unaware of effects on them

2.10. peer pressure

2.11. false beliefs about self

3. Lack of Education in Digital Literacy

3.1. Lack of Privacy

3.2. unwanted exposure

3.3. false information spread

3.4. hinderance for future

3.5. potential stranger danger

3.6. Lack of Identity

3.7. false representation of self

3.8. lying as habit

3.9. cyberbullying

3.10. social skills suffer

4. Uneducated in Internets' Social Code

4.1. Potential for Inappropriate Content

4.2. viruses destroy computers

4.3. content affects children's minds

4.4. potentially addictive

4.5. influence students' views negatively

4.6. Threatened Physical Safety

4.7. distracted walking

4.8. distracted biking

4.9. unsafe selfie locations

4.10. potential stalkers